Past events

Cricket on Ice was the brainchild of a few British cricket enthusiasts & Old Boys from the international boarding school Lyceum Alpinum in Zuoz, and many famous cricketers have taken part over the decades. The picturesque Swiss resort of St. Moritz is famous for the beauty of its ski slopes and the adrenalin rush at the Cresta Run. But for sheer quirkiness, few sport events can beat the cricket festival on the ice and snow on the frozen lake.

This testimony to the sports’ eccentricity began to take shape in 1987 when during a conversation in the Hotel Schweizerhof between Anthony Bouchier, Hans-Peter Danuser (Kurdirektor St. Moritz) , Martin Berthod & Diane Conrad, the concept cricket on the frozen lake was discussed, to match the polo & horse racing with a cricket match. When a group of intrepid British cricketers challenged the students of the international boarding school Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz to a match, Cricket On Ice was born. Ever since, it has become an integral part of the official cricket calendar, attracting international players and high-flying business people from all over the world.

Read about past Cricket on Ice events:


  • Cricket on Ice 2021 (did not take place)


First Cricket on Ice match (vs Davos, February 1896)
First Cricket on Ice match vs Davos, February 1896 (photo by kind permission of St.Moritz Tobogganing Club archive)