Club statutes

These statutes were approved at the founding meeting of the St. Moritz Cricket Club, held at the Kurverien offices, St. Moritz, on 3rd October 1992 and subsequently amended on 4th February 1995.

1. The Club shall be called the St. Moritz Cricket Club (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”) and is an association as defined in the Swiss Civil Code, section 2 article 2. The Club shall be limited to such number of members as the committee may from time to time decide.
The official language of the Club shall be English.



2. The Club’s objective is to encourage the game and spirit of cricket. The Club shall aim to fulfill its objective through:

  - Organizing of competitive events

  - Participating in tournaments



3. Club members shall be in the following categories:  Members and Honorary Members. Applications for membership shall be addressed in writing to the committee.
The committee assesses and decides on acceptance or rejection of new members.
The Annual General Meeting decides upon expulsion of members and nominates honorary members, who are not required to pay an annual subscription and have no voting rights.
Membership is open to everyone.

4. The annual membership fee is payable on 1st June each year; the amount of the fee shall be proposed by the committee and ratified by the Annual General Meeting.

5. Resignations shall be made in writing to the committee, after payment of any outstanding subscription(s). If a resignation is offered after a General Meeting, the annual subscription for the current year is payable.



6. The Club’s executive bodies are:

  a. The Annual General Meeting (hereafter called AGM)

  b. The Committee

  c. The Auditor

7. The membership year shall be from 1st June to 31st May.

8. General Meetings:

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in February. The agenda shall be:

  i) Minutes of the last AGM

  ii) Annual report of the President

  iii) Annual report of the Secretary

  iv) Treasurer’s report

  v) Examination of budget/accounts & Auditor’s report

  vi) Election of committee and honorary members

  vii) Fixing of annual subscriptions

  viii) Revision of statutes

  ix) Any other business

9. Written proposals from members for inclusion in the agenda of the AGM should be sent to the committee by 15th January at the latest (date as postmark).

10.  Voting and elections shall, in the absence of a contrary decision, be openly held.
Decisions shall be made by a simple majority on the basis of one vote for one member present. In the case of equal votes, the Chairman of the meeting has the casting vote.

11. Every General Meeting shall constitute a quorum, provided that the Committee has given notice by circular letter of the meeting and the Agenda at least one month in advance. The accidental omission to give notice by any member shall not invalidate any resolution passed or proceedings held at any GM.

12. The Committee or minimum one-fifth of the membership on request to the Secretary in writing has the right to ask that an Extraordinary General Meeting be convened.

13.  The Committee shall consist of:

- The president

- 2 Vice-Presidents

- The Auditor
14. Committee members and auditor shall be elected by the AGM for a minimum two year period, with re-eligibility. At least one committee member must be from the Kurverein St. Moritz.

The committee shall have the right to invite Observers to meetings.

Nominations to the committee should be sent in writing to the Secretary at least one month before the AGM.


Duties of the Committee and Auditor

15. The President, or in his absence his appointed representative from the Committee, presides at meetings of the committee and the Club.
The President has general responsibility for the activities and affairs of the Club, its outside representation, the application of the Statutes and other regulations, as well as the general promotion of the Club’s interests.

16. The Honorary Secretary takes Minutes of Meetings and deals with correspondence.

17.  The Hon. Treasurer, with the help of the Secretary, is responsible for financial records, the collection and disbursement of funds of the Club and presents an account of the financial status of the Club annually to the Auditor and the members of the club.

18. The Captains shall be in charge of training and shall lead the teams in competitive events.

19. The Auditor has the duty to inspect the accounts and to submit a written report and proposal to the AGM.

20. The Hon. Treasurer, together with either the President or Secretary, shall have the legally binding signature for the Club.

21. The Committee deals with club business and informs members of important decisions. The committee meets as required; the quorum shall be 2 of the following committee members:

The President,

2 Vice-Presidents.

22. The committee shall be specifically responsible for the:

- Management of the club and its outside representation

- Implementation of decisions adopted

- Proper administration of the club

- Preparation of the agenda for GMs

- Administration of club property

- Handling of current business

- Programme of activities Final provisions

23. The club assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any accidents occurring before, during or after a cricket match, either to players, spectators or third parties.

24. The club can be dissolved only with the agreement of three-quarters of all members who are, at the time of voting on dissolution, shown on the updated official membership list. In the case of dissolution, the club’s funds and inventory shall be put in the hands of the Kurverien St. Moritz, against the assurance that these shall be returned to a club formed at some future time, insofar as this club carries the same name and fulfils articles 1 & 2 of these statutes.

25. Every member joining the club shall be deemed to have read and accepted the statutes and rules of the club and shall be bound by them, as well as by the decisions made and directives given by the responsible club officers.