Cricket on Ice 2024

(Wednesday 14th - Saturday 17th February 2024)

With the support of St Moritz Tourism and other key sponsors, the Cricket on Ice Trophy Tournament 2024 will start on Wednesday 14th February and conclude with a finals’ day on Saturday 17th February 2024.
Eight teams will compete in two groups and the finals day will ascertain the tournament winners & with it bragging rights for the next 12 months!

Announcing Cricket on Ice 2024 (St. Moritz Lake, 14.-17.-2-2024)
Announcing Cricket on Ice 2024 (St. Moritz Lake, 14.-17.-2-2024)

Competing Teams

The teams competing in the 2024 edition of the Cricket on Ice Trophy are:

St. Moritz CC (hosts); Lyceum Alpinum (Zuoz, Switzerland); Old Cholmeleians (Highgate, England); Guards CC (Chelsea, England); German CC (Munich, Germany); Touring Cavaliers (London, England), Roggenhorn CC (Klosters, Switzerland) & WCL Sports Management (Delhi, India).

           Group 1                                Group 2                  

St Moritz Cricket Club



Old Cholmeleians XI



Guards CC



Lyceum Alpinum XI



German CC



Touring Cavaliers CC



WCL Sports Management



Roggenhorn CC



Tournament Schedule

Recent unseasonably warm conditions have meant we only have one pitch available to us on the lake for Cricket on Ice 2024 (14.-17.2.2024). The safety of all our participants is of ultimate importance.  
This means that a 20 over tournament is not possible, but the tournament is definitely taking place!

The provisional match schedule is as follows:

Date Time Activity  
  6pm Captains, Managers, Officials meeting (Casa del Sol)
    Pitch 1 Group
Wednesday  Day 1
  9.30am Old Cholmeleians v LAZ
  11am Cavaliers v Roggenhorn 2
  12,30pm St Moritz v German CC 1
  2pm WCL v Guards CC 1
Thursday Day 2  
  10am LAZ v Roggenhorn
  11am St Moritz v WCL
  1pm Cholmeleians v Cavaliers 2
  2pm Guards CC v German CC 1
Friday  Day 3


German CC v WCL




Roggenhorn v Cholmeleians




St Moritz Guards CC 1


Cavaliers LAZ 2
Saturday  Day 4
  9.45am 4th place v 4th place  
  10.45am 3rd place v 3rd place  
  12.15pm 2nd place v 2nd place  
  1.45pm 1st place v 1st place  
  7pm Tournament Dinner at Hotel Laudinella

Fixtures & results

Pool 1

Pool 2



The team of umpires for this year's event are made up of eight experienced umpires - Peter de Boeck, Steve Tripp, Shrikant Ramadurg, Alistair Davies, Jamie Lunn, Jon Briley, Viyasan Jeganathan & Sathish Kumar.

COI 2023 umpires: (top row l-r) Peter de Boeck, Onesimus Koilraj, Steve Tripp, Andrew Scott, Said Slemankhel, Viyasan Jeganathan;  (bottom row l-) Jochen Geraedts, Chamith Karannagodage, Sathish Kumar Shanguam, Alex Mackay (absent: Vaishakha Parvathaiah)
COI 2023 umpires: (top row l-r) Peter de Boeck, Onesimus Koilraj, Steve Tripp, Andrew Scott, Said Slemankhel, Viyasan Jeganathan; (bottom row l-) Jochen Geraedts, Chamith Karannagodage, Sathish K. Shanmugam, Alex Mackay (absent: Vaishakha Parvathaiah)

If you would be interested in joining us as an official in future years, please contact Alex Mackay.

Catering on the Lake

The catering, located next to the cricket pitches, will be serviced by the Cricket on Ice committee who are providing the warm lunches for the players and officials.

A complimentary meal ticket & one drink is included in the team fee and a bar will be serving drinks (beer, wine, tea and soft drinks).

Drinks & lunches will be served on the ice between every match by Hotel Schweizerhof.

Tournament Gala Dinner

The 2024 Tournament Gala Dinner will take place on Saturday 17th February  beginning with an apéro at 7pm, compliments of the Hotel Laudinella.

Additionally there will be a raffle, the proceeds from which will be evenly shared between the development of cricket in Switzerland and the tournament's chosen charity.


Players & officials receive a complimentary invite and additional tickets can be purchased at Fr. 140.- each.


We thank all our sponsors & partners for their support in making the event possible.

2023 event sponsors

COI tournament sponsors 2024

We are always looking to partner with additional sponsors for future events.

Past events

Read the latest Cricket on Ice news or the reports on past Cricket on Ice events: